What have been your learning highlights this term?
My highlights of this term would be Writing and Movie Making. This term I think I improved on my writing since last term. Which I am proud of. I also learnt how to movie make. I learnt how to record properly and how to take pictures properly. I also loved learning how to movie (or video) edit. Which is pretty awesome.
What were your Learner Profile goals for Term 3? Have your goals changed? Are you on track to meet your goals?
I am on track to meet my maths, writing and reading goals. I have been improving by practising my addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I have also been following up on each of the strategy's I learn in maths. I have also been improving in my writing by watching educational videos. I have been improving my reading by reading 20 mins every night.
As you look back at your learning so far, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon?
I would probably like to improve on summarising maths. I find summarising hard because its just really hard to remember lots of things at once.