
Thursday, 27 August 2015

Te Reo Conversation

Here is me and Ritas Te Reo Conversation. This task was apart of our home learning. We had to complete it before Thursday but the only person who completed before Thursday was Arnav. 

Sock Puppets - Cloak Bay

Here is me Rita, James and Damiens sock puppet video. In this video we talk about how to be safe in the cloak bay. It was funny because we all had high pitch voices. Each of us had to say one thing of how to be safe in the Cloak Bay. Please comment below if you enjoyed it.

Friday, 21 August 2015

The Viewer - Should Tristan

Here is a screenshot of padlet that our class participated in. Its about how if tristan should look through the machine again. Comment down if you think he should look through again or not.

The Viewer - The Mysterious Junkyard

Here is me Rita and Damiens poem about the Junkyard. Here is were Tristan visited the Junkyard (The Viewer). Well he was here he found a mysterious machine (spoiler alert). If your wondering what is says here it is. I hope you enjoy and please comment below. Also tell me what you think about it.
The Mysterious Junkyard


Thursday, 20 August 2015

The Viewer - The Restless sleep

This week we were talking and writing about the Viewer. Its a new topic in McCahon class. This is Me, Damien and Jasmines photo. I am modelling as Tristan from the book (The Viewer). So this part in the Viewer is where Tristan is so curious about a machine he found in the junkyard. He looked at few images and gasped because of the horrifying images he saw. So He went to sleep but he was so curious that he descended into a Restless Sleep! If you enjoyed please leave a comment below. Here is the link for the sound scape

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Photos About Camp

This is my collage of a whole lot of camp photos that Mrs Kingston, Mrs Wright, Mrs Archer, Audrey and Veronica took well we were at camp. Please comment below if you enjoyed my collage of photos from camp.

Friday, 14 August 2015

(Quality BlogCommentating) On Sinead's Blog

This is my comment on Sineads blog. I think this a quality blog comment because I gave respectful thoughts about her relfection and told her that her goal was a really good one and she should work on it.

Week 4 Term 3 Reflection

Week 4 Term 3 Reflection 2015

What have been your learning highlights so far this term?
My highlights for this Term is having an AWESOME TIME AT CAMP! It was really cool doing camp there's lots of fun and great activities to do. My second highlight was going to the google educators student conference. It was really great because we learnt lots of new learning skills to share at home.

What were your Learner Profile goals for Term 3? Have your goals changed? Are you on track to meet your goals?
To be a communicator and a contributor. My goals haven't really changed. I am actually on track to meet my goals. I am actually on track because starting to speak in public with other people. Also my goal to be a contributor is really begging. I participate in the ukulele group.

If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about your learning so far this term?
I would say that I am showing really good leadership in camp. I also would say that I am really independent and very organized.

As you look back at your learning so far, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon over the next few weeks?
My Maths

This is my Week 4 Reflection. The 4 columns are Backwards Looking, Inward Looking, Outward Looking and Forward Looking. If you wonder what are the descriptions for all these columns there is sentences at the top of each column. Hope you enjoy and please say something in the comments if there's a mistake.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Quality Blog Comment on Rita's Blog

Here is my comment on Rita's blog. I think this is a quality blog comment because I asked question. Gave some respectful thoughts about her writing. I also linked my blog so she can check out my blog. By the way if you want to check out Rita's blog.

Remember Poetry About Camp

That Was Camp.

Remember when I did Waka Ama and almost fell of the boat but then the paddle saved me?
Remember when I hit the blue bit of the board and got 20 points it felt amazing just to hit the board and get some awesome points?
That was Camp

Remember when my group had one of the tightest knots on a raft and it never fell apart.?
Remember how I was really terrified to climb down the giants ladder. But I manned up and went down anyways but I felt something cold go down my spine?
That was camp.

Remember how cool it was to catch a big wave with Dave and Harry while surf kayaking?
Do you remember how awesome it was to get the opportunity to go to camp?
That was Camp

This is my remember poem about camp. For this writing activity we were giving a template to write on. The first thing we had to do was brainstorm. I didn't brainstorm because I went to a student conference. Once we finished brainstorming we came up with a success criteria. After that we started to write our poem. Then we self and peer assessed. Then once we completed every single piece of our success criteria 
 we post on our blog. By the way here is a collage of camp photos that you can look at.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Sir Peter Blake Factfile

Here is my fact file presentation about Sir Peter Blake. Here you will find some
key info about Peter Blake. I hope you enjoy learning about Peter Blake. If
you find a mistake in this factfile please tell me in the comments. Also theres
link for the sites I used so you can learn more about him.